Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): agosto- noviembre 2022

53 years after Woodstock

Jesús Dolores Villanueva Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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Published 2022-11-27


  • Woodstock; Hippie; Youth; 60's; Anniversary.

How to Cite

Villanueva Hernández, Jesús Dolores. 2022. “53 Years After Woodstock”. Bloch. Revista Estudiantil De Historia 1 (5):43-53. https://revistabloch.uanl.mx/index.php/b/article/view/106.


The 53rd anniversary of "Woodstock: Three Days of Music and Peace" is approaching, and the creation of this text is with the main purpose of commemorating this festival, in which a crowd of between 400,000 and 500,000 young people gathered to listen to several of the bands and singers of the moment. The event was held on a farm in a town called Bethel, New York. There, a non-conformist youth gathered by the power of music managed to form a totally alternative society, totally disconnected from the established order and its chaos, functioning despite the logistical and natural problems they faced, all thanks to their supportive and optimistic attitude typical of the Hippie movement. For the elaboration of the work, we resorted to audiovisual media and articles from electronic magazines mainly. What this text provides is a synthesized vision of what happened in Woodstock, as well as of the social panorama in which it took place, which will serve as a source of entry for anyone who wants to study about this festival.


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  3. Martín Cabrejas, Cristina. “Creación y organización de Festivales Musicales: Desde Woodstock Hasta la Actualidad”. Trabajo fin de grado, Universidad de Valladolid, 2020. https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/40939
  4. Mora Más, Paloma. “Movimientos De Contracultura: El movimiento Hippie”. Trabajo fin de grado, Universitat Jaume I, 15 de octubre de 2018. http://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/handle/10234/177791
  5. Reda, Lou y Scott L. Hippies. Lou Reda Productions 2007. Documentary, 90 min.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2Rd30ifm-U