The Conflict between church and state in Guadalajara (1917-1926): (1917-1926)
Published 2022-01-31
- church, state, conflict, catholics, workers.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Arturo Mercado Padilla
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper studies the first ten years of conflicts
between church and state in the city of
Guadalajara. This started after the promulgation
of the constitution on February 5, 1917. Plus, we
take a look at the main events related to the
subject, such as, brawls between Catholics and
leftist and government organizations; religious
demonstrations and events. Likewise -although
this work has the aforementioned city of
Guadalajara as its space-, a contextualization is
made at the national level in a very general way,
so that the reader understands that what
happened in the capital of Guadalajara between
those years was the product of a series of policies
related to religious matters applied in a large part
of the country and whose consequences, were
replicated in several states and cities of the
Mexican Republic, including Guadalajara.
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