Published 2023-07-20
- Press,
- Hegemony,
- Legitimacy,
- Ideological State Device,
- Presidentialism
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Copyright (c) 2023 Cristian Jiménez Machorro
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This research advance is part of the reception work entitled "The Deaths of Camarena, review of the Camarena Case through the Press and its Functioning as the Ideological State Apparatus", which has the objective of analyzing a crisis of hegemony. of the regime of the "Institutional Revolution", which accompanied the crises that occurred during the 1980s (including the economic and political crises). The subsections included in the present advance of the project (subsections I.I and I.II) it is sought to establish the line of historical thought that establishes a precedent, but above all, establish a series of conditions to get to study the period, going through the various conditions that established a hegemonic operation in the country, this being one of the main contributions for the continuation of the investigation: the establishment of a historical explanation for the media crisis that will be addressed.
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