Section policy
Below is a brief description of the aspects to be considered in the realization of each of the types of text applicable to the Journal. Although this section is intended to provide a general guide on how to carry out this work, in certain cases in which specific doubts may arise, it will be essential for the author to inquire in depth about particular aspects of them.
It is important to reiterate that, for academic texts (research articles, essays, monographs, research advances, biographies and manuscript transcripts), a peer review will be carried out using the double-blind modality, so it will be essential for the author to consider the guidelines set out in the Guidelines for Authors.
Research articles
The research articles published in the Journal of Bloch History, as well as all the material applicable to its calls, must be completely unpublished; they must methodologically address an academic issue, in such a way that the writing constitutes an original contribution to the construction of knowledge in the area of study in question. It is recommended that such work include an introduction setting out the objectives, research questions and justifications of the study carried out; a development in which the aspects raised in the introduction are developed accordingly; and, finally, a conclusion where the goals set out in the introduction are taken up and given a relevant closure. The need to include specific sections to detail background, methodologies used, discussion of results and other sections will be for the author’s consideration. The length of the articles will be a maximum of 8000 words, not including abstract, keywords, references and appendices.
Historical essays should defend a particular idea on a specific theme and approach through a structured and rational argumentation. It is recommended that these writings contain an introduction in which the idea to develop is posed, a development in which the pertinent argumentation is carried out and a conclusion in which the definitive idea assimilated by studying the aspects considered is highlighted. The length of the essays shall be a maximum of 8000 words, not including abstract, keywords, references and appendices.
Monographs should present a complete bibliographic review on a specific historical theme and approach. This analysis must be carried out through a critical perspective of the author, who will distinguish the information that is relevant to address the proposed approach. Monographs will be extended to a maximum of 8000 words, not including abstract, keywords, references and appendices.
Research progress
The publication policies for research advances are somewhat more flexible, as this section aims to assume a means by which authors have the opportunity to share their progress in academic projects of various kinds to the community, in such a way that it can provide them with a healthy feedback that allows a greater performance in the final work. Therefore, original research advances will be received whose realization allows an understanding of the essential objectives of the work in process of elaboration, as well as an assimilation of the approach and methodology that it maintains. The length of research advances will be a maximum of 8000 words, not including abstract, keywords, references and appendices.
The reviews that apply to be published in the Journal of History Bloch may deal with historical literature, as well as films, series or video games with historical themes. In the case of reviews dealing with audiovisual media, it will be required to address in these a historical bibliographic framework that allows to relate what is referred in the processed medium with what happened in reality. It is necessary to emphasize that the reviews must be carried out through an academic perspective that agrees with the normativity of the Journal. This type of text will have an extension of one to three pages.
Literature and History
Original literary material whose subject is related or allusive to history will be able to be published in this medium. You can apply to this section stories, poetry, fragments of novels and chronicles. For the specific case of novels, these may be published in their entirety periodically as more issues of the Journal are issued. The length of historical literature will be a maximum of 8000 words.
The applicable biographies for publication must have a coherent structure that addresses the most relevant aspects of the life of the person studied, as well as be based exclusively on relevant bibliographic material. The objective position of the author will have to be appreciated throughout the text, avoiding qualifiers in any sense. The length of this type of text shall be a maximum of 8000 words.
Publicable interviews should be conducted through a historical perspective, so that they relate to this discipline through questions asked to a professional in the field. This type of text should include a short introduction in which general data on the person to be interviewed are provided, and the approach of the interview will be described. The body of work should be structured following a question-answer modality that allows an agile reading and understanding. The length of the interviews shall be a maximum of 8000 words.
The photographs to be published in this section must be original of the collaborator or collaborator, and must capture some element related to the history or its heritage. They should include a general description of the reproduced image, as well as a brief historical contextualization supported by relevant bibliographic material. As a technical requirement, it will also be requested that the photograph has a resolution of at least 200 points per inch.
Manuscript transcripts
All those paleographic transcriptions of manuscripts in Spanish or Spanish made by the student community that constitute a bibliographical contribution to the accomplishment of historical investigations will be applicable to be published in the journal. Therefore, for this particular section there is no delimitation of words or pages; however, it will be required that the work be carried out using the relevant academic methodology, in accordance with the Rules for the transcription of documents of the General Archives of the Nation, so that the information presented in the transcribed text coincides with that of the original. These Standards are available at the following link:
The following elements must be added to the transcript: general description of the manuscript, tenor of the manuscript, dating, classification of the textual type, scriptural and contextual location of the manuscript.