Editing process
- Those works that apply to be published in the Journal of Bloch History must be sent to the editorial team through this platform, so that they can be submitted to the arbitration and editing process facilitated by the Open Journal System. As this network consists of an open access system, there is no cost for participation or publication in the Journal’s calls.
- The works received will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee through a peer review process, double-blind modality, aspect that will allow the anonymity of the author of the text in question to remain protected for the two dictators who will have to review the work. This measure will be applied particularly to academic works: research articles, essays, monographs, research advances, biographies and interviews.
- To deliver the opinion, the evaluators will carry out a thorough review of the works received, carrying out an assessment on compliance with the parameters established in the section policies. Also, complying with the code of ethics and academic probity of the Journal, all academic works will be submitted to the plagiarism detector software Turnitin in order to ensure the complete authenticity of the works to be issued.
- The assignment of dictators will be carried out by the management of the Journal, and its verdict may vary between three variations: accepted without changes, accepted with changes and not accepted. On the basis of the judgements issued by both evaluators, the management of the Journal will definitively determine the resolution of the works contemplated. If there is a discrepancy between the positions of the two reviewers, a third review by a third reader will be considered.
- Depending on the opinion delivered, the text will move to a different stage. In the event that it is accepted without change, it will be submitted to the layout process by which it will be given the appropriate aesthetic format for publication in the next issue of the Journal. On the other hand, if accepted with changes, the work will be consigned to an editing process through which the author, with the support of a member of the Editorial Committee, will carry out the relevant adjustments to their respective text, in such a way that it acquires the optimal quality to be sent to the layout phase. If necessary, the assigned editor will make modifications in the writing of the work, so that it meets the criteria of structure, spelling and punctuation required for such a publication.
- In the layout phase, as mentioned, the text to be published will be provided in general format, with complementary images and a thematic aesthetic design.