Vol. 1 No. 7 (2024): enero-junio 2024
Artículos de investigación

Argentina 78: Between Jubility And Repression

Angel Eduardo Medrano Castro
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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Published 2024-07-19


  • Soccer,
  • Dictatorship,
  • Social movements,
  • Argentina 78,
  • Repression

How to Cite

Medrano Castro, Angel Eduardo. 2024. “Argentina 78: Between Jubility And Repression”. Bloch. Revista Estudiantil De Historia 1 (7):54-62. https://revistabloch.uanl.mx/index.php/b/article/view/143.


Soccer represents one of the greatest passions of people around the world, it is no longer just a sport, it is now part of popular culture. This phenomenon has touched every social and political sphere and has been used as an opportunity to give positive visibility to societies and nations; in this sense, the "king of sports" has been used as a tool to clean up the image of countries that conceal great secrets. The case of the World Cup "Argentina 78" is one of the many examples of the above. This paper includes a study of this "World Cup" during Videla's dictatorship from a study of the social movements that sought to boycott the event, the political repression and the "sport washing". For this purpose, we will review the socio-political framework of Videla's Argentina; the organization and development of the World Cup and finally the social mobilizations that took place during Argentina 78.


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