Published 2021-10-02
- Insurgency, Autority, Spanish Baroque Literature, Intellectuality
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Andrés Alba Michel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Sor Juana's life is emblematic everywhere you look, because her bizarre personality inspires the widest variety of feelings that translate into ideas of resistance. Nowadays she is regarded as a woman who rebelled against the catholic church to demand her right to study and write, however, the present work aspires to go beyond the aforementioned paradigm and proposes the literary and intellectual activity of the nun as a form of insurgency, not only against the different institutional entities by which she articulated her rebellion, but also against the ideas, forms and rites that prevailed in society and were welcomed by those who the head intuitions (the Church and the Court) to exercise their dominion over the population.
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