Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): agosto- noviembre 2022

Democrats Vs Democrats: A Look At The Past To See The Future

David Alonso Mejorada Sesma
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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Published 2022-11-27


  • Democratic Party; progressives; conservative; political factions; Democratic National Convention; presidential primaries;social cycle theory.

How to Cite

Mejorada Sesma, David Alonso. 2022. “Democrats Vs Democrats: A Look At The Past To See The Future”. Bloch. Revista Estudiantil De Historia 1 (5):66-73. https://revistabloch.uanl.mx/index.php/b/article/view/110.


Nowadays, the Democratic Party is going through a political and ideological change that will define what the party will be and stand for in the next years and decades. This phase of internal division has happened before and in an extremely comparable way. The 1920s and 2020s have numerous similarities that analyzing the 1920s can help us understand the current state of the Democratic Party and what the future holds for Democrats.


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