Vol. 1 No. 8 (2024): julio-diciembre 2024
Artículos de investigación

Abduction in San Joseph del Parral In the 18th century, Honor and Prohibited Relationships

Abisai Ramírez Ramírez
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua
Imagen de portada

Published 2025-02-06


  • Gender,
  • Old regime,
  • Elopment,
  • Honor

How to Cite

Ramírez Ramírez, Abisai. 2025. “Abduction in San Joseph Del Parral In the 18th Century, Honor and Prohibited Relationships”. Bloch. Revista Estudiantil De Historia 1 (8):27-37. https://revistabloch.uanl.mx/index.php/b/article/view/149.


The crime of abduction in Nueva Vizcaya during the years of Spanish domination is a topic that has been little explored in historiography, yet it offers a relevant perspective for understanding the dynamics of honor and gender in colonial society. This crime ranged from violent kidnapping to consensual elopements, where honor was a fundamental pillar in the administration of justice. For men, honor resided in their ability to protect the women under their care, while for women, it was tied to their purity and conduct. The perpetuation of an abduction not only affected the directly involved parties but also the family's prestige. Judicial processes sought to identify the circumstances of the crime (whether violence or consent was involved) and the relationships between those implicated. The resolution of such cases oscillated between economic penalties, imprisonment, exile, or, in some instances, forced marriage. Through the analysis of paradigmatic cases, such as that of Francisco Xavier de Gauna and María Rita Ochoa, and that of Juan Bautista Enríquez against Francisco Rivas, the flexibility of judicial authorities in safeguarding honor and restoring social order becomes evident. These cases also provide a window into the study of the administration of justice, as well as the history of sexuality, to understand the importance of cultural and legal norms in regulating interpersonal relationships within the colonial system of the Kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.


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  2. Fuentes de archivo
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